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Police uncle |पुलिस अंकल

वरुण अपने माता - पिता की इकलौती संतान था । अब इस लॉकडाउन में खेले तो किसके साथ खेले ? जब भी वह बोर होता अपने घर की बालकनी में आकर खड़ा हो जाता था । वहां से उसको इधर - उधर के नजारे दिखते थे । उसका मन बहल जाता था । सड़कों पर पहले जैसी चहल - पहल तो नहीं थी पर कोई न कोई तो नजर आ ही जाता था । खासकर पुलिस वाले । वह उनको देखकर डर जाता था । एक दिन वरुण ने देखा उनके मोहल्ले में एक गाड़ी आई है । उस गाड़ी के पास लोग लाइन बनाकर खड़े हो गए । गाड़ी में एक आदमी था । वह सब को बारी - बारी एक पैकेट दे रहा था । शायद उसमें खाने - पीने का सामान था । उस पैकेट के मिलते ही सब खुश होकर झटपट अपने घर की ओर लौट रहे थे । तभी वहां पर एक पुलिसकर्मी आ गया और सबको डांटने लगा । क्योंकि सामान लेने के चक्कर में सब पास - पास खड़े हो गए थे । वह उन्हें अपने डंडे की नोक से दूर हटाने लगा । वरुण को यह तरीका अच्छा नहीं लगा । तभी उसकी नजर एक घर के दरवाजे पर पड़ी जहां एक बूढ़ी औरत थी । छोटा - सा घर और फटेहाल हालत । उसने सोचा , ' पुलिस अंकल अब उन्हें भी डांटेंगे और अंदर जाने के लिए कहेंगे । ' वरुण और भी डर गया । पुलिस अंकल ने बूढ़ी आंटी के पास पहुंचकर उनसे कुछ पूछा । फिर सामानवाली गाड़ी में से दो पैकेट लाकर बूढ़ी आंटी को थमा दिए । उन्होंने अपने हाथ उठाकर पुलिस अंकल को आशीर्वाद दिया । ' अरे यह पुलिस अंकल तो अच्छे हैं । लगता है वह समझ गए कि बूढ़ी आंटी को सामान की जरुरत है । ' इस घटना के साथ वरुण के हृदय में बसी पुलिसकर्मियों की कठोर छवि हट गई । वह बोला , ' अब मैं पुलिस अंकल से कभी नहीं डरूंगा । वे तो हमारी सहायता के लिए होते हैं । ' 
Varun was the only child of his parents.  Now when played in this lockdown, with whom?  Whenever he was bored, he used to stand in the balcony of his house.  From there, he was seen from here and there.  He used to be entertained.  The streets were not as active as before, but some or the other was visible.  Especially the policemen.  He was afraid to see them.  One day Varun saw that a carriage had arrived in his locality.  People lined up near that car.  There was a man in the car.  He was giving everyone a packet in turn.  Perhaps it had food and drink.  Everyone was happy as soon as they got the packet and were returning to their home.  Then a policeman came there and started scolding everyone.  Because everyone was standing close by in the process of getting the goods.  He began to remove them from the tip of his pole.  Varun did not like this method.  Then he saw the door of a house where there was an old woman.  Small house and ravaged condition.  He thought, 'The police uncle will scold them now and ask them to go inside.  Varun got scared even more.  The police uncle reached the old aunt and asked him something.  Then brought two packets out of the luggage cart and gave the old aunt a hand.  He raised his hands and blessed the police uncle.  'Hey this police uncle is good.  He seems to have understood that the old aunt needs the goods.  With this incident, the harsh image of policemen in Varun's heart was removed.  He said, 'Now I will never fear the police uncle.  They are there to help us.  '
Police uncle |पुलिस अंकल Police uncle |पुलिस अंकल Reviewed by Piku on May 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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Important Notice

DU 2nd list admissions 2020: The University of Delhi (DU) has started enrolling students against the second cut-off list. The admissions have started from today and will remain open till October 21. Under the second list, several courses have been closed while for many others, there has been a slight drop in the cut-off marks. The third merit list is expected to be released by October 22. Since in the second cut-off movement of students is also allowed, some of the closed courses might open in the third list. While for most courses the cut-offs remain high, there are many for which the marks needed have taken a dip. Here is a list of subjects which are available for those who have scored in 80s or below – Aryabhatta College – 79% Bhagini Nivedita College – 71% Bharati College – 77 % College of Vocational Studies – 79.25% Daulat Ram College – 83.50% Delhi College of Arts and Commerce – 86% Deshbandhu College – 79.75% Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College – 83.50% Dyal Singh College – 80% Indraprastha College for Women – 83.50% Janki Devi Memorial College – 82% Kalindi College – 83% Kamla Nehru College – 81% Lakshmibai College – 81% Maharaja Agrasen College – 85% Maitreyi College – 81.5% Mata Sundri College for Women – 70%
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